1. Project Summary
Digital Library for G.S NYIRARUKOBWA is a Digital Library for the school containing offline digital educational resources with the goal of providing free access to Quality Education content material by reducing the cost of the bandwidth to the school and providing training on how to use digital resources in teaching and learning activities.

2. Why is this project needed?
Since the school reopening on 03rd Nov 2020, G.S NYIRARUKOBWA has taken measures to maximize the usage of Innovation Lab that was established through partnership of ISOC Rwanda Chapter and the school.
To facilitate this action, ISOC Rwanda Chapter has repaired damaged computers, provided 4G Wireless Router and reconnected all computers in the Innovation Lab.
Teachers were motivated to have Internet at their Possession and have started to search for different teaching resources. This has brought the need of large amount of bandwidth which is not available at the time due to the high cost associated with it and the school capacity. Few teachers are able to use Internet effectively due to limited Digital Skills especially on obtaining the right teaching material to be used in their teaching career.
To reduce the cost of bandwidth, all these digital materials will be accessible offline via smartphones, tablets, computers and any other personal devices with Wi-Fi technology.
The Project aims at providing free access to Quality Education by reducing the cost of the bandwidth and providing training on how to use digital resources in teaching and learning activities.
This project contributes directly to the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

Our work contributes directly to Target 4.1 of SDG 4, by improving secondary school educational outcomes for boys and girls. Additionally, students are gaining relevant technical skills that will improve their job prospects, contributing to Target 4.4.
3. What do we hope to achieve
The digital library brings educational content into offline classrooms. It gives students and teachers access to a huge digital library loaded with educational resources.
These resources are completely customisable with materials of local curriculum. The library will lifts computer learning with:
⦁ Interactive maps,
⦁ Audio Visual Contents,
⦁ Wikipedia articles for Schools,
⦁ Digital textbooks and teaching resources,
⦁ Khan Academy tutorials.